Book is Bargain Priced starting 02/13/2015 and ending 02/20/2015. Check the price on the book before you purchase it, prices can change without notice.
About the book:
Tanis, a displaced soul, becomes a rogue time traveler frantically trying to change the past and save a loved one from being one of the many victims of a hostile attack by an ancient evil of Earth’s ancient past. Tanis’ futile attempt at coordinating his time traveling device puts him in a deadly environment with failing life support systems and an inactive time gate, several hundred thousand years in the past. Until he is picked up by the mysterious Time Ghost’s, who bribe him to help them defeat their enemies.
Louis and Evelyn, children from the 19th century, find themselves literally thrown into an ancient past and forced to grow up living in the treetop city of the Satis, a society split in two groups of warriors and philosophers. Just as they adjust to their new lives, they’re introduced to the horror of a time traveling army, who believe they are the protectors of humanity, and are convinced the time to put the human race in check again has come.
The Chaos of Time is the first book in A. Youngblood’s Chronicles of Tanis. This adventure explores the essence of time and introduces the series characters. The Chaos of Time builds on a universe consisting of a diverse collection of past, present and future civilizations on Earth.