In Book 1 of this currently eight-book comedy mystery series, you meet Gabriel Lake, a regular computer guy from Indianapolis, until he is recruited into the Galactic Detective Agency to help locate a princess hiding on Earth. Under the guidance of the brilliant Oren Vilkas and the rest of the wisecracking GDA crew, Gabe soon finds himself hopping from one weird world to another, meeting quirky aliens and solving interstellar crime. Join them in this genre-bending comedic, sci-fi, mystery adventure.
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This book is free from 12/14/2024 until 12/15/2024.
About the Author
Gary Blaine Randolph is an award-winning writer and storyteller. He enjoys walking, bicycling, playing guitar, singing his granddaughter to sleep, reading and watching sci-fi and mystery stories, and hanging out with friends to drink coffee and laugh. He is the author of the Pelham and Blandings series, the Galactic Detective Agency series, and other works. He and his wife live in Indiana.
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