If you are a fan of Psychic Detective Mysteries, you will love Walk-In Investigations, Streaming Sarah. It’s like Ghost Whisperer meets Dead Files meets Fringe.
Dying was the break she needed…
Or so she thought. Homicide Detective Katie Hanson prided herself on being an advocate for the dead. She had no idea dying would take that to a completely new level. When she returns home from the hospital after a near-death experience, she realizes the door to the spirit world remained open… wide open. Now she hears voices, sees things that are not there. These aren’t any voices. The murder victims of her Department’s cold cases are haunting her. As Katie navigates the waters of being a medium she discovers her skills go beyond channeling murder victim Sarah Alexander’s account of her horrific murder and the murder of her two children, much more. Katie finds that she is also able to see through dimensions into a parallel world. Katie receives unexpected help on her current case from her doppelgänger P-Kate. With the aid of P-Kate, she learns to stream Sarah’s consciousness, her memories, her very soul.
Targeted Age Group: 18+
Book Price: 2.99
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