1. How is FreeDiscountedBooks.com different than other sites that display free and discounted ebooks?
For the most part, sites that display free ebooks do so to assist authors who are offering free books through Amazon, we allow you to post ANY bookseller your book is free or discount priced at. We delete books that are no longer free or bargain priced, but we keep permafree and books that are permanently priced below $2.99 across all booksellers. We do not limit you to only Amazon links.
Like those other sites, FreeDiscountedBooks.com also displays ebooks on your free days. Here are the benefits to you:
- The bookstore is fully searchable and has categories by genre and by pricing.
- Each book page offers multiple social media sharing buttons, so it can be shared easily.
- Each book page includes a link to the Amazon free apps page, so readers can easily access the app that will allow them to most easily read your book if it is only available on Amazon.
2. How do I submit my ebook to be displayed during its KDP free days?
You submit your book through our submission form. If you don’t know how to make your book free in preparation for promotion, see our How to Schedule KDP Free Days for an Amazon Kindle eBook article.
3. How do I add new free days if my ebook is already on the site?
New discount promotions or new free day promotions require a new submission.
4. How do I submit a book that’s for-sale, not free?
We accept books that aren’t free but are discounted under $2.99. Please visit this page for submission instructions.
5. Can I link to my Web site and social media accounts from my book page?
Some submissions allow links, they will be listed on the form.
6. Can you help me promote my ebook?
Absolutely! We have extensive experience with helping authors promote their ebooks. Please see our ebook promotion section, which has a variety of paid options. Or, if you want to submit your book to other sites yourself, see our list of sites that promote free books. We also have a FREE eBook Success Blueprint e-mail series that delivers ebook marketing tips and promotion service discounts by e-mail.
7. What is a permafree ebook?
A permafree ebook is simply an ebook that you have designated as permanently free. This gives readers a taste of your writing, which helps you build an audience and promote all your other books. Permafree books are particularly effective if you have multiple books in a related series. To learn more about how this can benefit you and the method used to make a book permafree, please read our How to Use PermaFree eBooks for Selling article.
8. What kind of artwork should I use for my cover?
We will accept .jpg or .png versions of your cover art. The cover must be no less than 300 pixels wide, and preferably no larger than 800 pixels tall. The image you upload MUST be named with the title of your book, without spaces. Generic image names will cause your image to be overwritten when the next author uses the same image name. Your image is used as is when it is uploaded.
9. I submitted my book to your site. Why can’t I find it?
There are a variety of reasons this might happen:
a. You won’t be able to find your book if it was recently submitted. Books are only available through our Search feature when they have been published on the site. There’s a minimum of at least one business day before a book will appear. For free days and 99 cent specials your book will go live on the day the promotion starts, as indicated in the form when you submit your book. Permafree and permanently discounted books will be posted as received but no sooner than 2 business days from time of submission.
b. Erotica books should be submitted to SteamyRomanceBooks.com site. It has a large active audience that is very interested in romance and erotica e-books.
c. Books with cursing or objectionable images on the cover won’t be posted, subject to our discretion.
d. Books with incomplete or no descriptions are usually not accepted. The same goes for poorly written, overly long or poorly formatted descriptions. “Poorly formatted” descriptions include text that has no paragraph breaks and/or missing bullet points, or that are generally sloppy.
e. This one pains us to even have to say, but we will delete your book if you’re rude and disrespectful to us. We provide free and low-cost services that require a lot of time and money to deliver. The minimum we ask in return is that you treat us with respect.
10. How much traffic do you get?
This answer has many parts, so we have a separate page that addresses this question.